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There are numerous video and image exploitation capabilities available today. The Open Media Processing Framework (OpenMPF) provides a framework for chaining, combining, or replacing individual components for the purpose of experimentation and comparison.

OpenMPF is a non-proprietary, scalable framework that permits practitioners and researchers to construct video, imagery, and audio exploitation capabilities using the available third-party components. Using OpenMPF, one can extract targeted entities in large-scale data environments, such as face and object detection.

For those developing new exploitation capabilities, OpenMPF exposes a set of Application Program Interfaces (APIs) for extending media analytics functionality. The APIs allow integrators to introduce new algorithms capable of detecting new targeted entity types. For example, a backpack detection algorithm could be integrated into an OpenMPF instance. OpenMPF does not restrict the number of algorithms that can operate on a given media file, permitting researchers, practitioners, and developers to explore arbitrarily complex composites of exploitation algorithms.

A list of algorithms currently integrated into the OpenMPF as distributed processing components is shown here:

Operation Object Type Framework
Detection/Tracking Face LBP-Based OpenCV
Detection/Tracking Motion MOG w/ STRUCK
Detection/Tracking Motion SuBSENSE w/ STRUCK
Detection/Tracking License Plate OpenALPR
Detection Speech Sphinx
Detection Speech Azure Cognitive Services Batch Transcription API
Detection Scene OpenCV
Detection Classification OpenCV DNN (GoogLeNet, Yahoo NSFW, vehicle color)
Detection/Tracking Classification OpenCV DNN (YOLO)
Detection/Tracking Classification/Features TensorRT (COCO classes)
Detection Text Region EAST
Detection Text (OCR) Apache Tika
Detection Text (OCR) Tesseract OCR
Detection Text (OCR) Azure Cognitive Services Computer Vision API (OCR endpoint)
Detection Text (OCR) Azure Cognitive Services Read API
Detection Form Structure (with OCR) Azure Cognitive Services Form Recognizer API
Detection Keywords Boost Regular Expressions
Detection Image (from document) Apache Tika
Translation Language Azure Cognitive Services Translate API

The OpenMPF exposes data processing and job management web services via a User Interface (UI). These services allow users to upload media, create media processing jobs, determine the status of jobs, and retrieve the artifacts associated with completed jobs. The web services give application developers flexibility to use the OpenMPF in their preferred environment and programming language.