NOTICE: This software (or technical data) was produced for the U.S. Government under contract, and is subject to the Rights in Data-General Clause 52.227-14, Alt. IV (DEC 2007). Copyright 2023 The MITRE Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

API Overview

In OpenMPF, a component is a plugin that receives jobs (containing media), processes that media, and returns results.

The OpenMPF Batch Component API currently supports the development of detection components, which are used to detect objects in image, video, audio, or other (generic) files that reside on disk.

Using this API, detection components can be built to provide:

  • Detection (Localizing an object)
  • Tracking (Localizing an object across multiple frames)
  • Classification (Detecting the type of object and optionally localizing that object)
  • Transcription (Detecting speech and transcribing it into text)

How Components Integrate into OpenMPF

Components are integrated into OpenMPF through the use of OpenMPF's Component Executor. Developers create component libraries that encapsulate the component detection logic. Each instance of the Component Executor loads one of these libraries and uses it to service job requests sent by the OpenMPF Workflow Manager (WFM).

The Component Executor:

  1. Receives and parses job requests from the WFM
  2. Invokes methods on the component library to obtain detection results
  3. Populates and sends the respective responses to the WFM

The basic pseudocode for the Component Executor is as follows:

while (true) {
    job = ReceiveJob()
    if (component.supports(job.dataType))
        component.getDetections(...) // Component does the work here

Each instance of a Component Executor runs as a separate process.

The Component Executor receives and parses requests from the WFM, invokes methods on the Component Logic to get detection objects, and subsequently populates responses with the component output and sends them to the WFM.

A component developer implements a detection component by extending MPFDetectionComponentBase.

As an alternative to extending MPFDetectionComponentBase directly, a developer may extend one of several convenience adapter classes provided by OpenMPF. See Convenience Adapters for more information.

Getting Started

The quickest way to get started with the Java Batch Component API is to first read the OpenMPF Component API Overview and then review the source for example OpenMPF Java detection components.

Detection components are implemented by:

  1. Extending MPFDetectionComponentBase.
  2. Building the component into a jar. (See HelloWorldComponent pom.xml).
  3. Creating a component Docker image. (See the README).

API Specification

The figure below presents a high-level component diagram of the Java Batch Component API:

OpenMPF Component Diagram

The Node Manager is only used in a non-Docker deployment. In a Docker deployment the Component Executor is started by the Docker container itself.

The API consists of Component Interfaces, which provide interfaces and abstract classes for developing components; Job Definitions, which define the work to be performed by a component; Job Results, which define the results generated by the component; and Component Adapters, which provide default implementations of several of the MPFDetectionComponentInterface methods (See the MPFAudioAndVideoDetectionComponentAdapter for an example; TODO: implement those shown in the diagram). In the future, the API will also include Component Utilities, which perform actions such as image flipping, rotation, and cropping.

Component Interfaces

Detection Component Interfaces

Job Definitions

The following classes define the details about a specific job (work unit):

Job Results

The following classes define detection results:

Component Interface

The OpenMPF Component class structure consists of:

  • MPFComponentInterface - Interface for all OpenMPF Java components that perform batch processing.
  • MPFComponentBase - An abstract baseline for components. Provides default implementations for MPFComponentInterface.

IMPORTANT: This interface and abstract class should not be directly implemented because no mechanism exists for launching components based off of it. Instead, it defines the contract that components must follow. Currently, the only supported type of batch component is "DETECTION". Those components should extend MPFDetectionComponentBase

See the latest source here.


Sets the value to the full path of the parent folder above where the component is installed.

  • Method Definition:
public void setRunDirectory(String runDirectory);
  • Parameters:
Parameter Data Type Description
runDirectory String Full path of the parent folder above where the component is installed.
  • Returns: none

IMPORTANT: setRunDirectory is called by the Component Executor to set the correct path. It is not necessary to call this method in your component implementation.


Returns the full path of the parent folder above where the component is installed.

  • Method Definition:
public String getRunDirectory()
  • Parameters: none

  • Returns: (String) Full path of the parent folder above where the component is installed.


Performs any necessary startup tasks for the component. This will be executed once by the Component Executor, on component startup, before the first job, after setRunDirectory.

  • Method Definition:
public void init()
  • Parameters: none

  • Returns: none

  • Example:

public void init() {
    // Setup logger, Load data models, etc.


Performs any necessary shutdown tasks for the component. This will be executed once by the Component Executor, on component shutdown, usually after the last job.

  • Method Definition:
public void close()
  • Parameters: none

  • Returns: none

  • Example:

public void close() {
    // Close file handlers, etc.


Allows the Component API to determine the component "type." Currently DETECTION is the only supported component type.

  • Method Definition:
public MPFComponentType getComponentType()
  • Parameters: none

  • Returns: (MPFComponentType) Currently, DETECTION is the only supported return value.

  • Example:

public MPFComponentType getComponentType() {
    return MPFComponentType.DETECTION;

Detection Component Interface

The MPFDetectionComponentInterface must be utilized by all OpenMPF Java detection components that perform batch processing.

Every batch detection component must define a component class which implements the MPFComponentInterface. This is typically performed by extending MPFDetectionComponentBase, which extends MPFComponentBase and implements MPFDetectionComponentInterface.

To designate the component class, every batch detection component should include an applicationContext.xml which defines the component bean. The component bean class must implement MPFDetectionComponentInterface.

IMPORTANT: Each batch detection component must implement all of the getDetections() methods or extend from a superclass which provides implementations for them (see convenience adapters).

If your component does not support a particular data type, it should simply:

throw new MPFComponentDetectionError(MPFDetectionError.MPF_UNSUPPORTED_DATA_TYPE);

Convenience Adapters

As an alternative to extending MPFDetectionComponentBase directly, developers may extend a convenience adapter classes provided by OpenMPF.

These adapters provide default implementations of several methods in MPFDetectionComponentInterface and ensure that the component's logic properly extends from the Component API. This enables developers to concentrate on implementation of the detection algorithm.

The following adapter is provided:

  • Audio And Video Detection Component Adapter (source)

Example: Using Adaptors to Provide Simple AudioVisual Handling: Many components designed to work on audio files, such as speech detection, are relevant to video files as well. Some of the tools for these components, however, only function on audio files (such as .wav, .mp3) and not video files (.avi, .mov, etc).

The MPFAudioAndVideoDetectionComponentAdapter adapter class implements the getDetections(MPFVideoJob) method by translating the video request into an audio request. It builds a temporary audio file by ripping the audio from the video media input, translates the MPFVideoJob into an MPFAudioJob, and invokes getDetections(MPFAudioJob) on the generated file. Once processing is done, the adapter translates the MPFAudioTrack list into an MPFVideoTrack list.

Since only audio and video files are relevant to this adapter, it provides a default implementation of the getDetections(MPFImageJob) method which throws new MPFComponentDetectionError(MPFDetectionError.MPF_UNSUPPORTED_DATA_TYPE).

The Sphinx speech detection component uses this adapter to run Sphinx speech detection on video files. Other components that need to process video files as audio may also use the adapter.


Returns the supported data types of the component.

  • Method Definition:
public boolean supports(MPFDataType dataType)
  • Parameters:
Parameter Data Type Description
dataType MPFDataType Return true if the component supports IMAGE, VIDEO, AUDIO, and/or UNKNOWN (generic) processing.
  • Returns: (boolean) True if the component supports the data type, otherwise false.

  • Example:

// Sample Component that supports only image and video files
public boolean supports(MPFDataType dataType) {
    return dataType == MPFDataType.IMAGE || dataType == MPFDataType.VIDEO;


Used to detect objects in image files. The MPFImageJob class contains the URI specifying the location of the image file.

Currently, the dataUri is always a local file path. For example, "/opt/mpf/share/remote-media/test-file.jpg". This is because all media is copied to the OpenMPF server before the job is executed.

  • Method Definition:
public List<MPFImageLocation> getDetections(MPFImageJob job)
  throws MPFComponentDetectionError;
  • Parameters:
Parameter Data Type Description
job MPFImageJob Class containing details about the work to be performed. See MPFImageJob
  • Returns: (List<MPFImageLocation>) The MPFImageLocation data for each detected object.

  • Example:

public List<MPFImageLocation> getDetections(MPFImageJob job)
  throws MPFComponentDetectionError {
    // Component logic to generate image locations


Used to detect objects in a video.

Prior to being sent to the component, videos are split into logical "segments" of video data and each segment (containing a range of frames) is assigned to a different job. Components are not guaranteed to receive requests in any order. For example, the first request processed by a component might receive a request for frames 300-399 of a Video A, while the next request may cover frames 900-999 of a Video B.

  • Method Definition:
public List<MPFVideoTrack> getDetections(MPFVideoJob job)
  throws MPFComponentDetectionError;
  • Parameters:
Parameter Data Type Description
job MPFVideoJob Class containing details about the work to be performed. See MPFVideoJob
  • Returns: (List<MPFVideoTrack>) The MPFVideoTrack data for each detected object.

  • Example:

public List<MPFVideoTrack> getDetections(MPFVideoJob job)
  throws MPFComponentDetectionError {
    // Component logic to generate video tracks


Used to detect objects in audio files. Currently, audio files are not logically segmented, so a job will contain the entirety of the audio file.

  • Method Definition:
public List<MPFAudioTrack> getDetections(MPFAudioJob job)
  throws MPFComponentDetectionError;
  • Parameters:
Parameter Data Type Description
job MPFAudioJob Class containing details about the work to be performed. See MPFAudioJob
  • Returns: (List<MPFAudioTrack>) The MPFAudioTrack data for each detected object.

  • Example:

public List<MPFAudioTrack> getDetections(MPFAudioJob job)
  throws MPFComponentDetectionError {
    // Component logic to generate audio tracks


Used to detect objects in files that aren't video, image, or audio files. Such files are of the UNKNOWN type and handled generically. These files are not logically segmented, so a job will contain the entirety of the file.

  • Method Definition:
public List<MPFGenericTrack> getDetections(MPFGenericJob job)
  throws MPFComponentDetectionError;
  • Parameters:
Parameter Data Type Description
job MPFGenericJob Class containing details about the work to be performed. See MPFGenericJob
  • Returns: (List<MPFGenericTrack>) The MPFGenericTrack data for each detected object.

  • Example:

public List<MPFGenericTrack> getDetections(MPFGenericJob job)
  throws MPFComponentDetectionError {
    // Component logic to generate generic tracks


An exception that occurs in a component. The exception must contain a reference to a valid MPFDetectionError.

  • Constructor(s):
public MPFComponentDetectionError (
  MPFDetectionError error,
  String msg,
  Exception e
  • Parameters:
Parameter Data Type Description
error MPFDetectionError The type of error generated by the component. See MPFDetectionError.
msg String The detail message (which is saved for later retrieval by the Throwable.getMessage() method).
e Exception The cause (which is saved for later retrieval by the Throwable.getCause() method). A null value is permitted.

Detection Job Classes

The following classes contain details about a specific job (work unit):

The following classes define detection results:


Class containing data used for detection of objects.

  • Constructor(s):
protected MPFJob(
  String jobName,
  String dataUri,
  final Map<String, String> jobProperties,
  final Map<String, String> mediaProperties
  • Members:
Member Data Type Description
jobName String A specific name given to the job by the OpenMPF Framework. This value may be used, for example, for logging and debugging purposes.
dataUri String The URI of the input media file to be processed. Currently, this is a file path. For example, "/opt/mpf/share/remote-media/test-file.avi".
jobProperties Map<String, String> The key corresponds to the property name specified in the component descriptor file described in "Installing and Registering a Component". Values are determined by an end user when creating a pipeline.

Note: Only those property values specified by the user will be in the jobProperties map; for properties not contained in the map, the component must use a default value.
mediaProperties Map<String, String> Metadata about the media associated with the job. The key is the property name and value is the property value. The entries in the map vary depend on the job type. They are defined in the specific Job's API description.

Job properties can also be set through environment variables prefixed with MPF_PROP_. This allows users to set job properties in their docker-compose files. These will take precedence over all other property types (job, algorithm, media, etc). It is not possible to change the value of properties set via environment variables at runtime and therefore they should only be used to specify properties that will not change throughout the entire lifetime of the service (e.g. Docker container).


Extends MPFJob

Class containing data used for detection of objects in image files.

  • Constructor(s):
public MPFImageJob(
  String jobName,
  String dataUri,
  final Map<String, String> jobProperties,
  final Map <String, String> mediaProperties)
public MPFImageJob(
  String jobName,
  String dataUri,
  final Map<String, String> jobProperties,
  final Map <String, String> mediaProperties,
  MPFImageLocation location)
  • Members:
Member Data Type Description
jobName String See MPFJob.jobName for description.
dataUri String See MPFJob.dataUri for description.
jobProperties Map<String, String> See MPFJob.jobProperties for description.
mediaProperties Map<String, String> See MPFJob.mediaProperties for description.

Includes the following key-value pairs:
  • MIME_TYPE : the MIME type of the media
  • FRAME_WIDTH : the width of the image in pixels
  • FRAME_HEIGHT : the height of the image in pixels
May include the following key-value pairs:
  • ROTATION : A floating point value in the interval [0.0, 360.0) indicating the orientation of the media in degrees in the counter-clockwise direction. In order to view the media in the upright orientation, it must be rotated the given number of degrees in the clockwise direction.
  • HORIZONTAL_FLIP : true if the image is mirrored across the Y-axis, otherwise false
  • EXIF_ORIENTATION : the standard EXIF orientation tag; a value between 1 and 8
location MPFImageLocation An MPFImageLocation from the previous pipeline stage. Provided when feed forward is enabled. See Feed Forward Guide.


Extends MPFJob

Class containing data used for detection of objects in video files.

  • Constructor(s):
public MPFVideoJob(
  String jobName,
  String dataUri,
  final Map<String, String> jobProperties,
  final Map<String, String> mediaProperties,
  int startFrame,
  int stopFrame)
public MPFVideoJob(
  String jobName,
  String dataUri,
  final Map<String, String> jobProperties,
  final Map<String, String> mediaProperties,
  int startFrame,
  int stopFrame,
  MPFVideoTrack track)
  • Members:
Member Data Type Description
jobName String See MPFJob.jobName for description.
dataUri String See MPFJob.dataUri for description.
startFrame int The first frame number (0-based index) of the video that should be processed to look for detections.
stopFrame int The last frame number (0-based index) of the video that should be processed to look for detections.
jobProperties Map<String, String> See MPFJob.jobProperties for description.
mediaProperties Map<String, String> See MPFJob.mediaProperties for description.

Includes the following key-value pairs:
  • DURATION : length of video in milliseconds
  • FPS : frames per second (averaged for variable frame rate video)
  • FRAME_COUNT : the number of frames in the video
  • MIME_TYPE : the MIME type of the media
  • FRAME_WIDTH : the width of a frame in pixels
  • FRAME_HEIGHT : the height of a frame in pixels
  • HAS_CONSTANT_FRAME_RATE : set to true if the video has a constant frame rate; otherwise, omitted or set to false if the video has variable frame rate or the type of frame rate cannot be determined
May include the following key-value pair:
  • ROTATION : A floating point value in the interval [0.0, 360.0) indicating the orientation of the media in degrees in the counter-clockwise direction. In order to view the media in the upright orientation, it must be rotated the given number of degrees in the clockwise direction.
track MPFVideoTrack An MPFVideoTrack from the previous pipeline stage. Provided when feed forward is enabled. See Feed Forward Guide.

IMPORTANT: FRAME_INTERVAL is a common job property that many components support. For frame intervals greater than 1, the component must look for detections starting with the first frame, and then skip frames as specified by the frame interval, until or before it reaches the stop frame. For example, given a start frame of 0, a stop frame of 99, and a frame interval of 2, then the detection component must look for objects in frames numbered 0, 2, 4, 6, ..., 98.


Extends MPFJob

Class containing data used for detection of objects in audio files.

  • Constructor(s):
public MPFAudioJob(
  String jobName,
  String dataUri,
  final Map<String, String> jobProperties,
  final Map<String, String> mediaProperties,
  int startTime,
  int stopTime)
public MPFAudioJob(
  String jobName,
  String dataUri,
  final Map<String, String> jobProperties,
  final Map<String, String> mediaProperties,
  int startTime,
  int stopTime,
  MPFAudioTrack track)
  • Members:
Member Data Type Description
jobName String See MPFJob.jobName for description.
dataUri String See MPFJob.dataUri for description.
startTime int The time (0-based index, in ms) associated with the beginning of the segment of the audio file that should be processed to look for detections.
stopTime int The time (0-based index, in ms) associated with the end of the segment of the audio file that should be processed to look for detections.
jobProperties Map<String, String> See MPFJob.jobProperties for description.
mediaProperties Map<String, String> See MPFJob.mediaProperties for description.

Includes the following key-value pairs:
  • DURATION : length of audio file in milliseconds
  • MIME_TYPE : the MIME type of the media
track MPFAudioTrack An MPFAudioTrack from the previous pipeline stage. Provided when feed forward is enabled. See Feed Forward Guide.


Extends MPFJob

Class containing data used for detection of objects in a file that isn't a video, image, or audio file. The file is of the UNKNOWN type and handled generically. The file is not logically segmented, so a job will contain the entirety of the file.

  • Constructor(s):
public MPGenericJob(
  String jobName,
  String dataUri,
  final Map<String, String> jobProperties,
  final Map<String, String> mediaProperties)
public MPFGenericJob(
  String jobName,
  String dataUri,
  final Map<String, String> jobProperties,
  final Map <String, String> mediaProperties,
  MPFGenericTrack track) {
  • Members:
Member Data Type Description
jobName String See MPFJob.jobName for description.
dataUri String See MPFJob.dataUri for description.
startTime int The time (0-based index, in ms) associated with the beginning of the segment of the audio file that should be processed to look for detections.
stopTime int The time (0-based index, in ms) associated with the end of the segment of the audio file that should be processed to look for detections.
jobProperties Map<String, String> See MPFJob.jobProperties for description.
mediaProperties Map<String, String> See MPFJob.mediaProperties for description.

Includes the following key-value pair:
  • MIME_TYPE : the MIME type of the media
track MPFGenericTrack An MPFGenericTrack from the previous pipeline stage. Provided when feed forward is enabled. See Feed Forward Guide.

Detection Job Result Classes


Class used to store the location of detected objects in an image.

  • Constructor(s):
public MPFImageLocation(
  int xLeftUpper,
  int yLeftUpper,
  int width,
  int height,
  float confidence,
  Map<String, String> detectionProperties
  • Members:
Member Data Type Description
xLeftUpper int Upper left X coordinate of the detected object.
yLeftUpper int Upper left Y coordinate of the detected object.
width int The width of the detected object.
height int The height of the detected object.
confidence float Represents the "quality" of the detection. The range depends on the detection algorithm. 0.0 is lowest quality. Higher values are higher quality. Using a standard range of [0.0 - 1.0] is advised. If the component is unable to supply a confidence value, it should return -1.0.
detectionProperties Map<String, String> Optional additional information about the detected object. There is no restriction on the keys or the number of entries that can be added to the properties map. For best practice, keys should be in all CAPS.
  • Example:

A component that performs generic object classification can add an entry to detection_properties where the key is CLASSIFICATION and the value is the type of object detected.

Map<String, String> detectionProperties = new HashMap<String, String>();
detectionProperties.put("CLASSIFICATION", "backpack");
MPFImageLocation imageLocation = new MPFImageLocation(0, 0, 100, 100, 1.0, detectionProperties);


Class used to store the location of detected objects in an image.

  • Constructor(s):
public MPFVideoTrack(
  int startFrame,
  int stopFrame,
  Map<Integer, MPFImageLocation> frameLocations,
  float confidence,
  Map<String, String> detectionProperties
  • Members:
Member Data Type Description
startFrame int The first frame number (0-based index) that contained the detected object.
stopFrame int The last frame number (0-based index) that contained the detected object.
frameLocations Map<Integer, MPFImageLocation> A map of individual detections. The key for each map entry is the frame number where the detection was generated, and the value is a MPFImageLocation calculated as if that frame was a still image. Note that a key-value pair is not required for every frame between the track start frame and track stop frame. In some cases, frames are deliberately skipped, as when a FRAME_INTERVAL > 1 is specified
confidence float Represents the "quality" of the detection. The range depends on the detection algorithm. 0.0 is lowest quality. Higher values are higher quality. Using a standard range of [0.0 - 1.0] is advised. If the component is unable to supply a confidence value, it should return -1.0.
detectionProperties Map<String, String> Optional additional information about the detected object. There is no restriction on the keys or the number of entries that can be added to the properties map. For best practice, keys should be in all CAPS.
  • Example:

NOTE: Currently, MPFVideoTrack.detectionProperties do not show up in the JSON output object or are used by the WFM in any way.

A component that detects text could add an entry to detectionProperties where the key is TRANSCRIPT and the value is a string representing the text found in the video segment.

Map<String, String> detectionProperties = new HashMap<String, String>();
detectionProperties.put("TRANSCRIPT", "RE5ULTS FR0M A TEXT DETECTER");
MPFVideoTrack videoTrack = new MPFVideoTrack(0, 5, frameLocations, 1.0, detectionProperties);


Class used to store the location of detected objects in an image.

  • Constructor(s):
public MPFAudioTrack(
  int startTime,
  int stopTime,
  float confidence,
  Map<String, String> detectionProperties
  • Members:
Member Data Type Description
startTime int The time (0-based index, in ms) when the audio detection event started.
stopTime int The time (0-based index, in ms) when the audio detection event stopped.
confidence float Represents the "quality" of the detection. The range depends on the detection algorithm. 0.0 is lowest quality. Higher values are higher quality. Using a standard range of [0.0 - 1.0] is advised. If the component is unable to supply a confidence value, it should return -1.0.
detectionProperties Map<String, String> Optional additional information about the detection. There is no restriction on the keys or the number of entries that can be added to the properties map. For best practice, keys should be in all CAPS.

NOTE: Currently, MPFAudioTrack.detectionProperties do not show up in the JSON output object or are used by the WFM in any way.


Class used to store the location of detected objects in a file that is not a video, image, or audio file. The file is of the UNKNOWN type and handled generically.

  • Constructor(s):
public MPFGenericTrack(
  float confidence,
  Map<String, String> detectionProperties
  • Members:
Member Data Type Description
confidence float Represents the "quality" of the detection. The range depends on the detection algorithm. 0.0 is lowest quality. Higher values are higher quality. Using a standard range of [0.0 - 1.0] is advised. If the component is unable to supply a confidence value, it should return -1.0.
detectionProperties Map<String, String> Optional additional information about the detection. There is no restriction on the keys or the number of entries that can be added to the properties map. For best practice, keys should be in all CAPS.

Enumeration Types


Enum used to indicate the status of getDetections in a MPFComponentDetectionError. A component is not required to support all error types.

ENUM Description
MPF_DETECTION_SUCCESS The component function completed successfully.
MPF_OTHER_DETECTION_ERROR_TYPE The component method has failed for a reason that is not captured by any of the other error codes.
MPF_DETECTION_NOT_INITIALIZED The initialization of the component, or the initialization of any of its dependencies, has failed for any reason.
MPF_UNSUPPORTED_DATA_TYPE The job passed to a component requests processing of a job of an unsupported type. For instance, a component that is only capable of processing audio files should return this error code if a video or image job request is received.
MPF_COULD_NOT_OPEN_DATAFILE The data file to be processed could not be opened for any reason, such as a permissions failure, or an unreachable URI.

Use MPF_COULD_NOT_OPEN_MEDIA for media files.
MPF_COULD_NOT_READ_DATAFILE There is a failure reading data from a successfully opened input data file.

Use MPF_COULD_NOT_READ_MEDIA for media files.
MPF_FILE_WRITE_ERROR The component received a failure for any reason when attempting to write to a file.
MPF_BAD_FRAME_SIZE The frame data retrieved has an incorrect or invalid frame size.
MPF_DETECTION_FAILED General failure of a detection algorithm. This does not indicate a lack of detections found in the media, but rather a break down in the algorithm that makes it impossible to continue to try to detect objects.
MPF_INVALID_PROPERTY The component received a property that is unrecognized or has an invalid/out-of-bounds value.
MPF_MISSING_PROPERTY The component received a job that is missing a required property.
MPF_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED The component failed to allocate memory for any reason.
MPF_GPU_ERROR The job was configured to execute on a GPU, but there was an issue with the GPU or no GPU was detected.
MPF_NETWORK_ERROR The component failed to communicate with an external system over the network. The system may not be available or there may have been a timeout.
MPF_COULD_NOT_OPEN_MEDIA The media file to be processed could not be opened for any reason, such as a permissions failure, or an unreachable URI.
MPF_COULD_NOT_READ_MEDIA There is a failure reading data from a successfully opened media file.

Utility Classes

TODO: Implement Java utility classes

Java Component Build Environment

A Java Component must be built using a version of the Java SDK that is compatible with the one used to build the Java Component Executor. The OpenMPF Java Component Executor is currently built using OpenJDK 11.0.11. In general, the Java SDK is backwards compatible.

Components should be supplied as a tar file, which includes not only the component library, but any other libraries or files needed for execution. This includes all other non-standard libraries used by the component (aside from the standard Linux and Java SDK libraries), and any configuration or data files.

Component Development Best Practices

Single-threaded Operation

Implementations are encouraged to operate in single-threaded mode. OpenMPF will parallelize components through multiple instantiations of the component, each running as a separate service.

Stateless Behavior

OpenMPF components should be stateless in operation and give identical output for a provided input (i.e. when processing the same MPFJob).

Component Structure for non-Docker Deployments

It is recommended that Java components are organized according to the following directory structure:

├── config - Other component-specific configuration
├── descriptor
│   └── descriptor.json
└── lib - All libraries required by the component
└── libComponentName.jar - Compiled component library

Once built, components should be packaged into a .tar.gz containing the contents of the directory shown above.


It is recommended to use slf4j with log4j2 for OpenMPF Java Component logging. Multiple instances of the same component can log to the same file. Logging content can span multiple lines.

Log files should be output to: ${MPF_LOG_PATH}/${THIS_MPF_NODE}/log/<componentName>.log

Each log statement must take the form: DATE TIME LEVEL CONTENT

The following log LEVELs are supported: FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE.

For example: 2016-02-09 13:42:42,341 INFO - Starting sample-component: [ OK ]

The following log4j2 configuration can be used to match the format of other OpenMPF logs:

<Configuration status="WARN"> <!-- status="WARN" is the logging level for configuration issues in this file. -->

        <Property name="sampleComponentLogFile">${env:MPF_LOG_PATH}/${env:THIS_MPF_NODE}/log/sample-component-detection.log</Property>
        <Property name="layoutPattern">%date %level [%thread] %logger{1.} - %msg%n</Property>

        <Console name="STDOUT">
            <PatternLayout pattern="${layoutPattern}"/>

        <RollingFile name="SAMPLE_COMPONENT_FILE" fileName="${sampleComponentLogFile}"
            <PatternLayout pattern="${layoutPattern}"/>
                <!-- Causes a rollover once the date/time pattern specified in filePattern no longer applies to the
                     active file. -->
                <TimeBasedTriggeringPolicy />
                <SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy size="50MB"/>


        <!-- To change the verbosity of MPF's own logging, change the level in the XML element below. -->
        <Logger name="org.mitre" level="INFO" />

        <Root level="INFO">
            <AppenderRef ref="STDOUT"/>
            <AppenderRef ref="SAMPLE_COMPONENT_FILE"/>