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OpenID Connect Overview

Workflow Manager can use an OpenID Connect (OIDC) provider to handle authentication for users of the web UI and clients of the REST API.


In order to use OIDC, Workflow Manager must first be registered with OIDC provider. The exact process for this varies by provider. As part of the registration process, a client ID and client secret should be provided. Those values should be set in the OIDC_CLIENT_ID and OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET environment variables. During the registration process the provider will likely request a redirect URI. The redirect URI should be set to the base URI for Workflow Manager with /login/oauth2/code/provider appended.

The documentation for the OIDC provider should specify the base URI a client should use to authenticate users. The URI should be set in the OIDC_ISSUER_URI environment variable. To verify the URI is correct, check that the JSON discovery document is returned when sending an HTTP GET request to the URI with /.well-known/openid-configuration appended.

After a user or REST client authenticates with the OIDC provider, Workflow Manager will check for a claim with a specific value to determine if the user is authorized to access Workflow Manager and with what role. The OIDC_USER_CLAIM_NAME and OIDC_ADMIN_CLAIM_NAME environment variables specify the name of the claim that must be present. The OIDC_USER_CLAIM_VALUE and OIDC_ADMIN_CLAIM_VALUE environment variables specify the required value of the claim.

If Workflow Manager is configured to use OIDC, then the component services must also be configured to use OIDC. The component services will use OIDC if either the OIDC_JWT_ISSUER_URI or OIDC_ISSUER_URI environment variables are set on the component service. When a component service is configured to use OIDC, the OIDC_CLIENT_ID and OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET environment variables are used to specify the client ID and secret that will be used during component registration.

Workflow Manager Environment Variables

  • OIDC_ISSUER_URI (Required): URI for the OIDC provider that will be used to authenticate users through the web UI. If OIDC_JWT_ISSUER_URI is not set, OIDC_ISSUER_URI will also be used to authenticate REST clients. The OIDC configuration endpoint must exist at the value of OIDC_ISSUER_URI with /.well-known/openid-configuration appended.
  • OIDC_JWT_ISSUER_URI (Optional): Works the same way as OIDC_ISSUER_URI, except that the configuration will only be used to authenticate REST clients. When not provided, OIDC_ISSUER_URI will be used. This would be used when the authentication provider's endpoint for user authentication is different from the endpoint for authentication of REST clients.
  • OIDC_CLIENT_ID (Required): The client ID that Workflow Manager will use to authenticate with the OIDC provider.
  • OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET (Required): The client secret Workflow Manager will use to authenticate with the OIDC provider.
  • OIDC_USER_CLAIM_NAME (Optional): Specifies the name of the claim from the authentication token that is required for a user or REST client to be granted access to Workflow Manager with the USER role.
  • OIDC_USER_CLAIM_VALUE (Optional): Specifies the required value of the claim specified in OIDC_USER_CLAIM_NAME. If the claim is a list, only one of the values in the list must match.
  • OIDC_ADMIN_CLAIM_NAME (Optional): Specifies the name of the claim from the authentication token that is required for a user or REST client to be granted access to Workflow Manager with the ADMIN role.
  • OIDC_ADMIN_CLAIM_VALUE (Optional): Specifies the required value of the claim specified in OIDC_ADMIN_CLAIM_NAME. If the claim is a list, only one of the values in the list must match.
  • OIDC_SCOPES (Optional): A comma-separated list of the scopes to be requested from the OIDC provider when authenticating a user through the web UI. The OIDC specification requires one of the scopes to be openid, so if this environment variable is omitted or openid is not in the list, it will be automatically added.
  • OIDC_USER_NAME_ATTR (Optional): The name of the claim containing the user name. Defaults to sub.
  • OIDC_REDIRECT_URI (Optional): Specifies the URL the user's browser will be redirected to after logging in to the OIDC provider. If provided, the URL must end in /login/oauth2/code/provider. This would generally be used when the host name that Workflow Manager uses to connect to the OIDC provider is different from the OIDC provider's public host name. The value can use the template variables supported by Spring.

Component Environment Variables

  • OIDC_JWT_ISSUER_URI or OIDC_ISSUER_URI (Required): URI for the OIDC provider that will be used to authenticate REST clients. The OIDC configuration endpoint must exist at the value of this environment variable with /.well-known/openid-configuration appended. If both environment variables are provided, OIDC_JWT_ISSUER_URI will be used. If OIDC_JWT_ISSUER_URI is set on Workflow Manager, it should be set to the same value on the component services. If OIDC_JWT_ISSUER_URI is not set on Workflow Manager, OIDC_ISSUER_URI should be set to the same value on Workflow Manager and the component services. When either environment variable is set, the WFM_USER and WFM_PASSWORD environment variables are ignored.
  • OIDC_CLIENT_ID (Required): The client ID that the component service will use when registering the component with Workflow Manager.
  • OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET (Required): The client secret that the component service will use when registering the component with Workflow Manager.

Example with Keycloak

The following example explains how to test Workflow Manager with Keycloak as the OIDC provider. It is just an example and should not be used in production.

1. Get the Docker gateway IP address by running the command below. It will be used in later steps.

docker network inspect --format '{{(index .IPAM.Config 0).Gateway}}' bridge

2. Start Keycloak in development mode using the command below. Do not start Workflow Manager yet. The values for the OIDC environment variables are dependent on how you set up Keycloak in the following steps.

docker run -p 9090:8080 -e KEYCLOAK_ADMIN=admin -e KEYCLOAK_ADMIN_PASSWORD=admin \ start-dev

3. Go to http://localhost:9090/admin in a browser and login with username admin and password admin.

4. Create a new realm:

  • Create a new realm using the drop down box in upper left that says "master".
  • Use the realm name you entered and the gateway IP address from step 1 to set Workflow Manager and the component services' OIDC_ISSUER_URI environment variable to: http://<docker-gateway-ip>:9090/realms/<realm-name>

5. Create the client that Workflow Manager will use to authenticate users:

  • Use the "Clients" link in the left menu to create a new client.
  • General Settings:
    • The "Client type" needs to be set to "OpenID Connect".
    • Enter a "Client ID".
    • Set Workflow Manager's OIDC_CLIENT_ID environment variable to the client ID you entered.
  • Capability config:
    • "Client authentication" must be enabled.
    • "Standard flow" must be enabled.
    • "Service accounts roles" must be enabled so that Workflow Manager can include an OAuth token in job completion callbacks and when communicating with TiesDb.
  • Login settings:
    • Set "Valid redirect URIs" to http://localhost:8080/login/oauth2/code/provider
    • Set "Valid post logout redirect URIs" to http://localhost:8080
  • Set Workflow Manager's OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET environment variable to the "Client secret" in the "Credentials" tab.

6. Create a Keycloak role that maps to a Workflow Manager role:

  • Use the "Realm roles" link in the left menu to create a new role.
  • If the Keycloak role should make the user an ADMIN in Workflow Manager, set Workflow Manager's OIDC_ADMIN_CLAIM_VALUE to the role name you just entered. If it should be a USER, then set the OIDC_USER_CLAIM_VALUE environment variable.
  • Only one of OIDC_ADMIN_CLAIM_VALUE and OIDC_USER_CLAIM_VALUE need to be set. If you would like to set up both roles repeat this step.

7. Include the Keycloak role(s) in the access token:

  • In the "Client scopes" menu add a mapper to the "roles" scope.
  • Use the "groups" predefined mapper.
  • The default name "Token Claim Name" is "groups". This can be changed.
  • If you created an ADMIN role in step 6 set OIDC_ADMIN_CLAIM_NAME to the value in "Token Claim Name". If you created a USER role, do the same for OIDC_USER_CLAIM_NAME.

8. Optionally, set Workflow Manager's OIDC_USER_NAME_ATTR to preferred_username to display the user name instead of the ID.

9. Create Users:

  • After creating a user, set a password in the "Credentials" tab.
  • Use the "Role mapping" tab to add the user to one of roles created in step 6.

10. Add Component Registration REST client:

  • Use the "Clients" menu to create a new client.
  • Capability config:
    • The client needs to have "Client authentication" and "Service accounts roles" enabled.
    • Use the "Service account roles" tab to add the client to one of the roles created in step 6.
  • Set the component services' WFM_USER environment variable to the client ID you entered.
  • Set component services' WFM_PASSWORD environment variable to the "Client secret" in the "Credentials" tab.

11. Add external REST clients:

  • Use the "Clients" menu to create a new client.
  • Capability config:
    • The client needs to have "Client authentication" and "Service accounts roles" enabled.
    • Use the "Service account roles" tab to add the client to one of the roles created in step 6.

12. Start Workflow Manager. When you initially navigate to Workflow Manager, you will be redirected to the Keycloak log in page. You can log in using the users created in step 9.

Test REST authentication

Using the Docker gateway IP address from step 1, the client ID and secret from step 11, and the realm name from step 4, run the following command:

curl -d grant_type=client_credentials -u '<client-id>:<client-secret>' 'http://<docker-gateway-ip>:9090/realms/<realm-name>/protocol/openid-connect/token'

The response JSON will contain a token in the "access_token" property. That token needs to be included as a bearer token in REST requests to Workflow Manager. For example:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <access-token>" http://localhost:8080/rest/actions

Use OAuth when sending job complete callbacks and when posting to TiesDb.

1. Create a client for the callback receiver or TiesDb:

  • Use the "Clients" menu to create a new client.
  • Capability config:
    • The client needs to have "Client authentication" and "Service accounts roles" enabled.
  • Configure the callback receiver or TiesDb with the client ID and secret.

2. Create a client role:

  • Use the "Roles" tab to add a role to the client that was just created.

3. Add the role to the Workflow Manager's client:

  • Go to the client details page for the client created for Workflow Manager.
  • Go to the "Service accounts roles" tab.
  • Click "Assign role".
  • Change "Filter by realm roles" to "Filter by clients".
  • Assign the role created in step 2.

4. Run jobs with the CALLBACK_USE_OIDC or TIES_DB_USE_OIDC job properties set to TRUE.

Test callback authentication

The Python script below can be used to test callback authentication. Before running the script you must run pip install Flask-pyoidc==3.14.2. To run the script, you must set the OIDC_ISSUER_URI, OIDC_CLIENT_ID, and OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET environment variables. Note that the script configures the Flask-pyoidc package to authenticate Web users, as required by the package, but we are only testing the authentication of REST clients.

Once the script is running, a user can submit a job via the Workflow Manager Swagger page with the following fields to test callbacks:

  "callbackMethod": "POST",
  "callbackURL": "http://localhost:5000/api",
  "jobProperties": {
import json
import logging
import os

from flask import Flask, jsonify
from flask_pyoidc.provider_configuration import ProviderConfiguration, ClientMetadata
from flask_pyoidc import OIDCAuthentication


app = Flask(__name__)

auth = OIDCAuthentication({
    'default': ProviderConfiguration(
            os.getenv('OIDC_CLIENT_ID'), os.getenv('OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET'))
}, app)

@app.route('/api', methods = ('GET', 'POST'))
def api():
    print(json.dumps(auth.current_token_identity, sort_keys=True, indent=4))
    return jsonify({'message': 'test message'})

if __name__ == '__main__':